新宿発~都内23区デリバリーヘルス 「Paradise -パラダイス-」
  we are looking forward to receiving your phone call~!
The following acts are prohibited.
■ 女性スタッフへの執拗なボディタッチ。
Without girls’ permission to touch their bodies including their private parts.
■ 過剰な性的サービスの強要
Force girls to provide abnormal services.
■ 本番強要・交渉、そう解釈できる発言や行為。
Request or force girls to have sexual intercourse.
■ 女性の嫌がる全ての言動。
Say dirty words to girls.
■ 同業者のスカウト行為。
Persons who are engaged in the same business poach girls.
■ビデオカメラ・デジカメ・カメラ付携帯などの機器による許可なき撮影又は盗撮・盗聴などの行為。 Behaviors of secretly video taping, recording and filming by video or digital camera and smart phone。 Persons who are engaged in the same business poach girls.
Please be aware that once the above act is found, the service will be discontinued and we won’t return the money even if there is still service time left.
Also, we will take drastic measures to deal with above issues.
Please kindly support our work and thank you for your understanding.
We won’t render services to those people:
■ 泥酔状態の方
who get totally plastered;
■ 薬物(大麻・覚せい剤・シンナー等)を使用されている方
who take drugs including hemp, dope, thinner and so on;
■ 伝染病に感染している方
who have an infectious disease;
■ 同業関係者、スカウト関係者の方
who are engaged in the same business;
■ その他、当店がふさわしくないと判断
who are identified as suspicious persons by us
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